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XBRL Annual Filing


XBRL Annual Filing

XBRL is an electronic open source technology that is used of reporting and analysis of data. Registrar of Companies requires annual e-filing of financials statements by following specified class of companies in Form AOC-4(XBRL):

  • Company listed with any stock exchange in India and their Indian subsidiaries;
  • Company with a paid up capital of five crore rupees or above;
  • Company with a turnover of one hundred crore rupees or above;
  • Company required to prepare their financial statements in accordance with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015

E-tax undertake to file the following main components of annual reports in XBRL Format:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit and Loss Statement
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Schedules & Notes to Accounts
  • Auditor’s Report
  • Board’s Report
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report

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