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Company Dissolutions and Strike Off


Company Dissolutions And Strike Off

The process of dissolving a company is known as winding up. It involves permanently shutting down the operations and existence of a company as a result of which the name of the company is struck off by the Registrar of Companies. Section 270 of the Companies Act 2013, lays down the complete process for winding up a company which enlists two ways through which a company can be dissolved:

  • Compulsory Winding Up by Tribunal
  • Voluntary Winding Up by Members

E-tax apprehends the fact that dissolution is a critical process for which it readily offers the assistance of best professional associates. We work as a specialized body for our clients who facilitate the dissolution proceedings to ensure efficient implementation of applicable winding up provisions.

Grounds for Company’s Dissolutions
  • The company is unable to pay its debts
  • The Tribunal has ordered the winding up of company under Chapter XIX
  • A special resolution has been passed by company that it shall be wound up
  • The company has acted against the security, sovereignty and integrity of India, or its state and foreign states.
  • The Tribunal is of the opinion that on just and equitable grounds it would be better that the company should be wound up
  • The company has not filed financial statements or annual returns for the preceding five consecutive financial years
  • The persons involved in the formation or management of company’s affairs have been guilty of fraud or misconduct
  • The company has conducted its affairs in a fraudulent manner or was formed for fraudulent and unlawful purposes
  • A resolution has been passed to voluntary wind up the company on expiry of its period or on occurrence of event specified by the articles

E-tax Restructuring Service Covers
  • Advisory in relation to dissolution
  • Organizing the required meetings
  • Drafting legal and official documents
  • Filing necessary ROC forms at MCA
  • Guidance over finance and taxation matters
  • Support for compliance of legislative norms
  • Representation before appropriate authorities
  • Facilitation of winding up proceedings with liquidator

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