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Issue of Share/Debentures


Issue Of Share/Debentures

Shares and debentures are long-term finance instruments issued by a company under the common seal. Issue of shares or debentures is a process by which company raises funds from market. Share represents owned funds whereas debentures represent borrowed funds. Companies can issue shares and debentures to individuals, firms or corporate bodies.

The clients wishing to go for issue of share or debentures often approach the E-tax team for acquaintance. We not only assists in follow of procedures prescribed by the Companies Act, 2013 but also strategize the best funding arrangements for you based on your current scale of operations. E-tax assist’s in issuance of following instruments:

  • Equity / Preference Shares
  • Secured / Unsecured debentures
  • Redeemable / Non-redeemable debentures
  • Convertible / Non-convertible debentures

E-tax Issue Service Covers:
  • Advisory in relation to issuance
  • Organizing the required meetings
  • Preparation of relevant documents
  • Issue of prospectus and application forms
  • Filing necessary ROC forms at MCA portal
  • Support for compliance of legislative norms

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