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Hearing - TradeMark & Copyright


Hearing - Trademark/Copyright

In the process of trademark & copyright registration, hearing usually occurs when the registrar is not satisfied with the reply submitted against the objections of examination report. Hearing involves appearance before the registrar either in person or through representative agent or attorney. Since the whole trademark & copyright registration process is time bounded, hence it becomes imperative to keep a track of application status to make sure that representations are made well in time.

Documents for Hearing
  • Power of Attorney in favor of trademark attorney
  • Copy of Show Cause Notice / Hearing Notice
  • Copy of application form with acknowledgment
  • Examination Report
  • Copy of Objection Reply
  • Affidavit of Usage with complete details about the usage of the proposed trademark
  • Copy of Identity and Address Proof of Business
Our Hearing Service Covers
  • Collecting and preparing necessary documents
  • Representation before concerned trademark officer
  • Making appropriate submissions with proper evidences

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