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Public Limited Company


Public Limited Company

Start your Business as a Public Limited Company

Public Limited Company is a limited liability corporate entity established with minimum three directors and seven shareholders, whose shares are intended to be offered to general public. Companies Act of 2013, and Ministry of Corporate Affairs governs public companies in India. The Act authenticates both listed as well as unlisted public companies.

Attributes of a Public Limited Company
  • Ownership defined by share capital
  • Compulsion for directors to have DIN
  • Minimum paid-up capital of Rs. 5 lakhs
  • Maximum fifteen Directors are allowed
  • Transferable ownership and management
  • Predefined MOA with objects and powers
  • Predefined AOA with rules and regulations
  • Liability of directors and members is restricted
  • Regulated equity, preference and debt funding
  • Separate legal existence and perpetual succession
  • Expensive to maintain than private limited companies
  • Higher Compliance requirements than private limited companies
  • Greater Operational requirements than private limited companies

Pre-requisite Documents required for Registration
  • Photograph of all shareholders and directors
  • PAN Card copy of all shareholders and directors
  • ID Proof copy of all shareholders and directors
  • Address Proof copy of all shareholders and directors
  • Active DIN and Digital Signature of directors
  • Address Proof copy of registered office
  • Memorandum of Association (MOA)
  • Articles of Association (AOA)

Our Registration Process Inclusions
  • Registration related consultancy
  • Collection of basic information and documents
  • Obtaining DIN and Digital Signatures
  • Attaining approval for Company Name
  • Drafting MOA, AOA and required documents
  • Obtaining Pan Card of firm for filing process
  • Stamp and Notarization of necessary documents
  • Preparation and filing of registration forms
  • Procurement of certificate of incorporation

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