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SME Listing in BSE


SME Listing in BSE

SME Listing Exchange is a dedicated stock exchange set up by Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Regulated by the legal norms of SEBI, this stock exchange provides a platform to Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) where they can raise equity for growth and expansion. E-tax deliver end to end listing and execution support to SMEs as we firmly believe that SMEs are the future of Indian markets. We are always happy to help such SMEs who have been dreaming to enlist themselves on SME Listing Exchange. Let us take care of the SME exchange listing requirements for you

Benefits of SME Listing
  • Increases visibility
  • Enhances valuation
  • Benchmarks performance
  • Strengthens governance
  • Improves internal controls

Documents Required for Listing
  • 10 Copies of the draft offer
  • Soft copy of the Prospectus
  • PAN & TAN of the Company
  • DIN & PAN of Promoters and Directors
  • Articles & Memorandum of Association of the Company.
  • Copy of Balance Sheets, Profit & Loss and Cash Flow Statements for past 5 years
  • Other relevant declarations, certifications, agreements and memoranda of understanding

E-tax Listing Services Covers:
  • Advisory in relation to listing
  • Compliance of listing requirements
  • Organizing the required meetings
  • Appointment of Merchant Banker
  • Due Diligence and Documentation
  • Making submissions at SME Exchange
  • Finalization of Initial Public Offer

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