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TradeMark Registration


TradeMark Registration

Trademark represents the uniqueness and distinctiveness of your intellectual property like logo, slogan, brand, packaging, audio, design, graphic or any other idea. Trademark Act, 1999 governs the registration of trademarks in India. To make sure that you hold the exclusive ownership and usage rights over your property, get your trademark registered through E-tax today. E-tax works to simplify the trademark registration process for you. Our experts file more than hundreds of trademarks applications every year.

Advantages of Trademark Registration
  • Builds and protects your identity
  • Grants legal ownership rights
  • Protects from misuse and infringements
  • Creates an intangible asset
  • Adds value to your goodwill
Documents for Trademark Registration
  • Copy of the logo containing brand name (Optional)
  • Power of Attorney in favor of trademark attorney in Form-48 for filing application
  • Udyog Aadhaar Registration Certificate / Incorporation Certificate / Partnership Deed
  • Identity Proof of Signatory
  • Address Proof of Signatory
Our Registration Process Inclusions
  • Copy of the logo containing brand name (Optional)
  • Power of Attorney in favor of trademark attorney in Form-48 for filing application
  • Udyog Aadhaar Registration Certificate / Incorporation Certificate / Partnership Deed
  • Identity Proof of Signatory
  • Address Proof of Signatory
  • Consultancy in related to registration
  • Ensuring compliance of trademark laws
  • Collection of information and documents
  • Checking availability of trademark
  • Procuring power of attorney
  • Drafting the required documents
  • Preparation and filing of application
  • Handling objections and hearing
  • Issuance of trademark license

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