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Transaction Tax


Transaction Tax

Transaction Tax

As transactions are becoming more critical, investors need advice on essential legal matters that eventually helps them manage their important deals effectively. Our expert team of transaction law and advisory professionals provides end to end deal execution and post deal support. Our transaction tax team understands all aspects of deals and aims to devise unique solutions for each client.

Our services in this regard includes the following:

  • Strategizing for Acquisitions, Merger, Demergers, Divestments, and Restructuring
  • Assistance on Cross border transactions like investment structuring, funding advisories
  • Implementation of transaction in consideration with tax aspect
  • Reviewing the transaction and issuing tax opinions
  • Pre and post transaction compliances and filings
  • Devising an effective succession plan
  • Advising on funding structure
  • Due Diligence tax services
  • Post deal transaction advisory
  • Obtaining regulatory approvals and registrations
  • Advisories and compliances associate with corporate laws
  • Mitigating tax, risks and costs associated with transactions

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