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TradeMark Objection Reply


TradeMark Objection Reply

During trademark registration process, the Examination Registrar (Examiner) or any third party may raise an objection for registration of a Trademark. We provide excellent support for responding to such objections. Replying to an objected trademark requires expertise of right trademark professionals of E-tax. Always make a wise choice to select E-tax for professional drafting and filing of your response to the objections.

Reasons for Trademark Objection
  • Application contains incomplete or incorrect information
  • Similar trademark is already in existence.
  • Failure in filing Form TM-48
  • Filing of Improper Trademark Form
  • Filing under the Wrong Trademark Class
  • Trademark lacks distinctiveness
  • Unclear Goods and Services specifications
  • Trademark is deceptive
  • User affidavit not attached
Documents for Objection Reply
  • Initial Application
  • Examination Report
  • Proof of ownership
Our Objection Reply Service Covers
  • Analysis of Examination Report
  • Preparation of counter statement
  • Submission of reply to the Examiner

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