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International Taxation


International Texation

The fast changing international tax regulations in India, requires existing business models to be aware and well versed with the following tax norms:

  • Concept of Tax Residency / Place of Effective Management (POEM)
  • Tax Provisions and Exemptions for Non Residents (NR)
  • Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS)
  • General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR)
  • Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)

Service offerings of E-tax
Our multi qualified team helps in tax planning, compliance, and litigation services
  • Advisory on domestic, international and cross-border transactions
  • Guidance on prevalent foreign exchange laws and policies
  • Preparation and filing of tax forms and returns
  • Representation before the revenue / appellate authorities
  • Recommendations on aspects of international taxations
  • Support in obtaining regulatory approvals

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