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Secretarial Audit


Secretarial Audit

  • Conducted by an independent professional
  • Monitors legal and procedural compliance
  • Protects the interest of all stakeholders
  • Helps to avoid any legal actions or penalties
  • Supports in detection and correction of non-compliances

  • A company that is listed; or
  • A public company having paid up share capital of Rs. 50 crore or more; or
  • A public company having turnover Rs. 250 crore or more; or
  • A company having outstanding bank or public financial institution loan or borrowing of Rs. 100 crore or more

Our Process of Secretarial Audit
  • Identification of scope and objectives of audit for management
  • Preparation of Formal engagement letter to be issued by Management to the Auditor
  • Collection of relevant information about the company’s operations by auditor
  • Planning and Execution of audit program outlining the objects, tools and technique
  • Ensuring assistance from company for reviewing of records and controls
  • Preparation of working papers that supports the audit opinion
  • Discussion of audit observations with management
  • Summarization of audit findings, opinions, and recommendations
  • Issuance of final audit report based on findings and discussions
  • Respond to follow up actions taken by the Company to resolve the qualifications

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